Selasa, 16 Januari 2018

Kata Keterangan dalam Bahasa Inggis – Pengertian – Contoh Kalimat Lengkap

Adverb atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia disebut sebagai ‘kata keterangan’ adalah kata pelengkap dari kata kerja (verb). Sama seperti dalam Bahasa Indonesia, adverbs dapat berupa kata keterangan waktu, jumlah, tempat, maupun ‘sifat’.

Kata ‘sifat’ dalam adverb berbeda dengan kata sifat adjective, karena keterangan sifat ini menunjukan sifat dari kata kerja, bukan sifat dari subyek maupun obyek kalimat. Ciri-ciri kata keterangan sifat adalah berakhiran -ly. Misalnya quickly, slowly, tenderly, loudly. Adverbs juga seringkali merupakan jawaban dari 5W1H (What, when, why, who, where, and how.)
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List of Adverbs (Daftar Kata Keterangan dalam Bahasa Inggris)
1 Above In or to a place that is higher Di atas
2 Accidently Without advance Sengaja
3 After happening at a time subsequent to a reference time Setelah
4 Almost lightly short of or not quite accomplished Hampir
5 Afternoon the part of the day between noon Sore
6 Already Hampir6Alreadyprior to a specified or implied time Sudah
7 Always all the time and on every occasion Selalu
8 Angrily With Angry marah
9 Anytime regardless of hour, date, etc.; Kapan saja
10. Anywhere or in or to any plac Dimana saja
Baca Juga: Adverb of Time

11 Aptly in a competent capable manner Tepat
12 Around in circumference Di sekitar
13 Away from a particular thing or place or position (`forth’ is obsolete) Jauh
14 Awkwardly in an awkward manner Canggung
15 Badly with unusual distress or resentment or regret or emotional display Buruk
16 Beautifully in a beautiful manner Indah
17 Before earlier in time Sebelum
18 Below  in or to a place that is lower Di bawah ini
19 Before earlier or sooner than Sebelum
20 Boldly in a bold manner Berani
21 Bravely in a courageous manner Berani
22 Broadly without regard to specific details or exceptions; in a wide fashion Luas
23 Busily in a busy manner Sibuk
24 Calmly with self-possession (especially in times of stress) Tenang
25 Candidly it is sincerely the case that Terus terang
26 Cautiously with caution or prudence or tact Hati-hati
27 Certainly definitely or positively Tentu saja
28 Cheerfully in a cheerful manner Riang
29 Closely in a close relation or position in time or space; in a close manner Erat
30 Coldly in a cold unemotional manner Dingin
31 Completely so as to be complete Benar-benar
32 Constantly without interruption Terus-menerus
33 Correctly in a correct manner Dengan benar
34 Coyly in a coy manner Malu-malu
35 Cruelly under cruel circumstances Kejam
36 Curiously eager to learn or know Anehnya
37 Deliberately with intention Sengaja
38 Devotedly with devotion Setia
39 Doubtfully in a doubtful manner Ragu-ragu
40 Down spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position Turun
41 Downstairs on a floor below Lantai bawah
42 Dutifully out of a sense of duty; in a dutiful manner Patuh
43 Eagerly with eagerness; in an eager manner Bersemangat
44 Easily without question; with ease Mudah
45 Elegantly in a gracefully elegant manner Elegan
46 Enormously extremely Sangat
47 Equally to the same degree (often followed by `as’) Sama
48 Eventually within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time Akhirnya
49 Ever at any time Pernah
50 Every time At each occasion that Setiap kali
51 Everywhere to or in any or all places Di mana-mana
52 Extremely to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect Sangat
53 Fairly without favoring one party, in a fair evenhanded manner Cukup
54 Fiercely menacingly wild, savage, or hostile Sengit
55 Finally after a long period of time or an especially long delay Akhirnya
56 Flexibly with flexibility Fleksibel
57 Formerly at a previous time Sebelumnya
58 Fortnightly every two weeks Dua minggu
59 Fortunately good fortune Untungnya
60 Frequently many times at short intervals Sering
61 Frightfully used as intensifiers Menakutkan
62 Fully to the greatest degree or extent Sepenuhnya
63 Furiously in an impassioned or very angry manner Furiously
64 Generally without distinction of one from others Umumnya
65 Generously in a generous manner Murah hati
66 Gracefully in a graceful manner Anggun
67 Greatly to an extraordinary extent or degree Sangat
68 Greedily in a greedy manner Rakus
69 Happily in an unexpectedly lucky way Bahagia
70 Hard ith effort or force or vigor Sulit
71 Healthily in a levelheaded manner dengan sehat
72 Heavily to a considerable degree; indulging excessively Berat
73 Here in or at this place Sini
74 Honestly in an honest manner Jujur
75 Honorably with honor Hormat
76 Hopefully it is hoped Mudah-mudahan
77 Hopelessly without hope Putus asa
78 Hourly  every hour Per jam
79 Hungrily in the manner of someone who is very hungry Lahap
80 Immediately without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening Segera
81 Incorectly not correct as to fact Tidak benar
82 Infrequently not many times Jarang
83 Innocently in a naively innocent manner Polos
84 Inside within a building; on the inside Di dalam
85 Jubilantly  in a joyous manner Bahagia
86 Just only a moment ago Baru saja
87 Justly in accordance with moral or social standards Adil
88 Kindly in a kind manner or out of kindness Ramah
89 Knowingly with full knowledge and deliberation Sadar
90 Knowledgeably possessing or exhibiting knowledge, insight, orunderstanding Berpengetahuan
91 Last  adv. more recently than any other time Terakhir
92 Late later than usual or than expected Akhir
93 Later happening at a time subsequent to a reference time Kemudian
94 Lazily in a slow and lazy manner; in an idle manner Malas
95 Likely with considerable certainty; without much doubt Kemungkinan
96 Little not much Kecil
97 Lively characterized by energetic activity Ramai
98 Loosely knitted in a loose manner; in a relaxed manner Longgar
99 Loyally with loyalty; in a loyal manner Setia
100 Madly in a desperate manner; in an insane manner Tergila-gila
101 Manly in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man Kelelakian
102 Many a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as’ or `too’ or `so’ or `that’; amounting to a large but indefinite number Banyak
103 Monthly without missing a month Bulanan
104 Morning the time period between dawn and noon Morning
105 Mostly in large part; mainly or chiefly; usually; as a rule Sebagian besar
106 Much (degree adverb used before a noun phrase) for all practical purposes but not completely; very Banyak
107 Mysteriously in a cryptic manner Misterius
108 Naturally as might be expected; according to nature Secara alami
109 Negatively in a negative way; in a harmful manner Negatif
110 Never not ever; at no time in the past or future; not at all; certainly not; not in any circumstances Tidak pernah
111 Next at the time or occasion immediately following Berikutnya
112 Noisily with much noise or loud and unpleasant sound Ribut
113 Noon the middle of the day Siang
114 Now used to preface a command or reproof or request Now
115 Obediently in an obedient manner Patuh
116 Often many times at short intervals; frequently or in great quantities Sering
117 Openly in an open way Terbuka
118 Outside outside a building; on the outside Luar
119 Painfully unpleasantly; in or as if in pain Menyakitkan
120 Perfectly in a perfect manner or to a perfect degree Sempurna
121 Playfully in a playful manner Main-Main
122 Politely in a polite manner Sopan
123 Poorly (`ill’ is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well Buruk
124 Positively extremely; so as to be positive; in a positive manner Positif
125 Powerfully in a powerful manner; in a manner having a powerful influence Bertenaga
126 Previously at an earlier time or formerly Sebelumnya
127 Punctually at the proper time Tepat waktu
128 Quarterly in three month intervals; in diagonally opposed quarters of an escutcheon Tiga bulanan
129 Quickly with rapid movements Cepat
130 Quietly with little or no sound Diam-diam
131 Quite to the greatest extent; completely Cukup
132 Rapidly with rapid movements Cepat
133 Rarely not often Jarang
134 Readily without much difficulty; in a punctual manner Mudah
135 Really used as intensifiers Benarkah
136 Recently in the recent past; very recently Baru-baru ini
137 Rudely in an impolite manner Kasar
138 Sadly in an unfortunate way; with sadness Sadly
139 Safely with safety; in a safe manner Safely
140 Seldom not often Seldom
141 Selfishly in an egotistical manner Selfishly
142 Separately apart from others Separately
143 Seriously in a serious manner; to a severe or serious degree Seriously
144 Sharply in a well delineated manne Sharply
145 Shyly in a shy or timid or bashful manner Shyly
146 Slowly without speed (`slow’ is sometimes used informally for `slowly’ Slowly
147 Smoothly with no problems or difficulties; in a smooth and diplomatic manner Smoothly
148 Softly with low volume; in a manner that is pleasing to the senses Softly
149 Solemnly in a grave and sedate manner Solemnly

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150 Soon in the near future Soon
151 Still with reference to action or condition; without change, interruption, or cessation Still
152 successively following one another in uninterrupted succession ororder; successive successively
153 Suddenly happening unexpectedly; quickly and without warning Suddenly
154 Surprisingly in a surprising manner Surprisingly
155 Suspiciously with suspicion Suspiciously
156 Swiftly in a swift manner Swiftly
157 Terribly used as intensifiers; in a terrible manner Terribly
158 Thankfully for which you are thankful Thankfully
159 Then subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors) Then
160 There in or at that place There
161 Thoroughly in an exhaustive manner Thoroughly
162 Thoughtfully showing consideration and thoughtfulness Thoughtfully
163 Tiredly in a weary manner Tiredly
164 Today on this day as distinct from yesterday or tomorrow Today
165 Tomorrow the next day, the day after, following the present da Tomorrow
166 Tonight during the night of the present day Tonight
167 Tremendously extremely Tremendously
168 Unfortunately by bad luck Unfortunately
169 Unnaturally not as might be expected; in an unnatural way Unnaturally
170 Until up to the time that or when; till Until
171 Up spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position Up
172 Urgently with great urgency Urgently
173 Usefully in a useful manner Usefully
174 Uselessly in a useless manner Uselessly
175 Utterly completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers Utterly
176 Verbally by means of language; as a verb Verbally
177 Very used as intensifiers; `real’ is sometimes used informally for `really Very
178 Viciously in a vicious manner Viciously
179 Victoriously in a victorious manner Victoriously
180 Violently in a violent manner Violently
181 Voluntarily out of your own free will Voluntarily
182 Warmly in a warm manner; in a hearty manner Warmly
183 Weakly in a weak or feeble manner or to a minor degree Weakly
184 Wearily in a weary manner Wearily
185 Weekly  without missing a week Weekly
186 Well (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard Well
187 Whatever one or some or every or all without specification Whatever
188 Whenever at whatever time; at any time when Whenever
189 Wherever at whatever place Wherever
190 Wildly to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree Wildly
191 Wisely in a wise manner Wisely
192 Wonderfully (used as an intensifier) extremely well Wonderfully
193 Wrongly without justice or fairness; in an incorrect manner Wrongly
194 Yesterday on the day preceding today Yesterday
195 Yet up to the present time; to a greater degree or extent Yet
196 Youthfully in a youthful manner Youthfully
Dalam Bahasa Inggris, jenis adverb dibedakan menjadi beberapa jenis yaitu adverb of time, adverb of place, adverb of manner, dan sebagainnya.
Contoh Penggunaan Adverbs Dalam Kalimat
  • Whatever you do, don’t try to act too mature yet. You’re still young so act youthfully to show that you’re still young and vibrant.
  • Yesterday, my grandma wisely advised me that I need to stop acting wildly and and I need to start to talk softly. Because soon I will be a grown up.
  • You need to be outside more often. The sun will tan your skin naturally.
  • I started to subscribe to weekly magazines. Before, I could only pay for monthly subscription but my job pays well now.
  • The Princess looks at us shyly. She speaks softly to us.
  • The man voluntarily helped us. He quickly refused our money and never asked for anything in return.
  • He met me yesterday in the city.
  • He can’t talk nicely to me when I said it was an accident.
  • The shop opens weekly.
  • Wherever I go, I bring my lovely novel.
  • Unfortunately, the room is still under reconstruction now.
Semoga list of adverbs di atas bisa berguna untuk menambah perbendaharaan Bahasa Inggris kalian. Juga, lakukan latihan membuat kalimat dengan kata keterangan dalam Bahasa Inggris agar kalian semakin jago menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
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Kata Keterangan dalam Bahasa Inggis – Pengertian – Contoh Kalimat Lengkap Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tugas etika profesi

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